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제목 백범일지 中 My wish - (1) The Korean Ethnic Nation
작성자 admin 작성일 2017-06-29

As a man without an independent state of his own, who has spent much of the past

seventy years in grief, shame, and anguish, the best thing in this world would be to live

as a citizen of a fully autonomous, independent nation until his last breath. In my past,

I had wished to be a gatekeeper of our independent government, for I would gladly have

become the humblest person in our society if only were our country to attain independence.

For a life of poverty and lowliness in an independent nation of one''s own is happier, more

honorable, and filled with greater hope than that of wealth and privileges under someone else''s


When the Silla official Pak Je-sang declared to his Japanese captors, "I would rather become

a dog or pig in Korea than live a life of luxury as a retainer of the Japanese king," I know

Pak spoke from the heart. Pak declined the Japanese king''s offer of high post and riches

and gladly chose death over dishonor. His deed reflected his words, "I would just as soon

become a lifeless spirit in my own nation."