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제목 백범일지 中 My wish - (1) The Korean Ethnic Nation
작성자 admin 작성일 2017-06-29

However, lately I have heard that some among our compatriots would rather

have our country be incorporated into a neighboring country''s federation.

I cannot believe this; but, if it is true, I can only regard such folks as mentally

deranged. I have studied the teachings of Confucius, Buddha, and Jesus, and

 I sincerely revere these saintly men. At the same time, even if there were a

heaven or paradise jointly built by these three men, it would still be a foreign

dwelling, a place built not by our own people. Because of this, I would not lead

our fellow Koreans into that foreign land.

That there are in this world nations composed of the same ethnic people who

share the same blood and history is self-evident. Just as my own physical body

cannot become that of another, neither can a particular ethnic nation assume

 the identity of another ethnic nation.

Even brothers who share the same blood are in the end an individual of his own who

at times clash with each other when living together. In every circumstance in which more

than two entities come together to form a larger collective whole, there lies the basic problem

of authority, whereby one must stand above the other and exercise authority while the other

 must follow from below.